Summer Skin Care Secrets

Summer Skin Care Secrets, you have to show a little skin to keep cool. We talked to Kelly Wolff, a licensed aesthetician at Charlotte Plastic Surgery, for tips on how to keep our skin healthy. Here some Tips for, please read with passion.

Always wear sunblock - A summer glow isn’t always good. Your skin may feel at its worst against the dry air of winter, but summer does significant damage to the skin, causing cancer, pigmentation, and brown spots. If you’re moisturizing anyway, look for one with SPF 30 sunblock or higher—and it doesn’t have to come from the doctor’s office. Wolff recommends products sold in her office, or she’ll send you a list of ingredients to look for or avoid.

Keep the treatments light - Deeper chemical peels are better suited for the winter, as fresh skin is more sensitive to the sun. Wolff recommends peels with lactic acid, which brighten the skin and help clean pores of all the sunscreen you’ve been using. Save the deeper peels for later, when you’ll also work on undoing all the summer’s sun damage.

Don’t risk a reaction - When scheduling a facial before a special event, give your skin two weeks to recover before the big day to ensure you don’t have a breakout. “Even something that they’ve had done several times in the past may have issues,” Wolff says. Stay away from treatments you haven’t tried before.

Keep it natural - A chemical peel doesn’t have to be made with, well, chemicals. Fruit acids, papaya enzymes, and other plant extracts are options, too. If you’re more comfortable doing less, let your aesthetician know that.

Do you. Don’t ask for what your friend is having. “I try to reiterate to the patient that their skin is theirs and ages differently than their friends’,” Wolff says. Once you know what your skin needs, you can buy products that will work for you.

Wish you always keep your skin is natural be aware with your skin care cosmetic.

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